Protest At Fashion Store!!! ( Spanish After the Link)

04/11/2008 13:59

Many yoVillians gathered out side the clothing store to PROTEST about the 70's items and clothing which has been taken off with no warning!!! This has upset many YoVillians as the 70's items and clothes was the BEST...  Check a picture in our Image Gallery.

YVL Chief Reporter - MaZ and Mari - YVL...

Spanish: Un gran grupo de YoVillians se reunieron afuera de la tienda de ropas PROTESTANDO sobre los articulos y ropa de los 70s que han sido eliminados de las tiendas sin ningun aviso!!! Muchos YoVillians estan bien disgustados ya que en nuestra opinion estos articulos eran unos de los MEJORES...

YVL Chief Reporter - MaZ y Mari - YVL...


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